Kā uzlabot drošību uz ceļa izmantojot GPS izsekošanas tehnoloģijas?

Balstoties uz Pasaules Veselības organizācijas datiem, katru gadu 1,25 miljoni cilvēku iet bojā negadījumos uz ceļa, kas ir aptuveni 3500 cilvēku dienā. Ceļa negadījumi pārliecinoši ierindojas starp pasaules top 10 nāves cēloņiem.

Būtu vērtīgi samazināt negadījumu skaitu industrijā, kur strādā liels skaits autovadītāju, lai saviem darbiniekiem radītu drošu vidi uz ceļa. To var panākt, izmantojot GPS izsekošanu kopā ar datu analīzes rīkiem. Jo vairāk Jūs zināsiet par transportlīdzekļu vadītājiem un viņu braukšanas stilu, jo ērtāk varēsiet pieņemt labākos lēmumus, kas padarīs darbu efektīvāku un drošāku.

Kā GPS var nodrošināt Jūsu uzņēmuma procesu drošību:

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Is your business using Scooters? Find out how Mapon can improve your business processes!

Most of the companies use cars and trucks and other heavy vehicles for their business processes, however, there are also many growing companies that are using scooters, for example, vehicle rental companies, food delivery companies and also individuals.

Here’s the thing:

There’s a widespread belief that GPS tracking and fleet management solutions can bring benefits only for large companies with heavy vehicles such as trucks and trailers. However, a modern GPS tracking and fleet management solution, including the one provided by Mapon, has many standard features that can be used by companies that are using scooters as part of their business.

We have quite a few clients that are using our solution for their business, which are using scooters. Here are the main functions that are used by these companies:

  • GPS tracking with real-time
  • Route history
  • Geo-fences and alerts

GPS tracking devices used for these functions are easy to install and very affordable for any company, and also individuals who want to use benefits GPS tracking can bring.

Let’s jump to the real examples which hide behind the above-mentioned functions, to help you find the best solution how your business could also benefit from using GPS tracking and fleet management system.

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Mapon sistēmas jaunais dizains – ieskats lietotājam ērtākas un funkcionālākas sistēmas izstrādē!

Laikam ejot, mūsu sistēma ir kļuvusi nedaudz vecmodīga. Mēs zinām, ka Jūs pie tās esat ļoti pieraduši, tāpat kā mēs, taču vienmēr pastāv vieta arī uzlabojumiem. Vecākas sistēmas radītais komforts var būt maldinošs, un mēs esam pārliecināti, ka ir pienācis laiks uzlabot mūsu sistēmas dizainu, lai padarītu to ērtāku un funkcionālāku mūsu klientiem.

Bet neuztraucieties:

Šādas apjomīgas pārmaiņas nedrīkst notikt bez pienācīgas plānošanas, izpētes darbiem un mērķu uzstādīšanas. Tieši tāpēc arī mēs esam ieguldījuši daudz resursus pēdējo mēnešu laikā, lai varētu pasniegt Jums lielisku produkta uzlabojumu:

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Ieskaties! Autoparka uzturēšanas risinājums Mapon klientiem – funkcionalitāte un interfeiss!

Mums ir lieliskas ziņas! Autoparka Uzturēšanas risinājums ir jau tepat aiz stūra!

Mēs pie šī produkta esam strādājuši jau vairākus mēnešus, esam konsultējušies ar dažādu industriju klientiem un nozares speciālistiem, lai identificētu galvenās problēmas saistībā ar efektīvu autoparka pārvaldību un izveidotu rīku, kas tās atrisinātu vislabākajā veidā.

Esam nonākuši produkta pēdējā stadijā un veicam pēdējos testus un labojumus, un pavisam drīz – jau nākamnedēļ – tas būs pieejams visiem mūsu klientiem. Nolēmām dot Jums nelielu ieskatu gaidāmajā produktā un tā funkcionalitātē, lai iepazīstinātu Jūs ar vienu no lielākajiem Mapon sistēmas papildinājumiem vēsturē.

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GPS-мониторинг и система управления автопарком: польза для предприятий по прокату автомобилей

Устройства для GPS-мониторинга и система управления автопарком – это один из лучших способов повысить качество услуг и сервис своего предприятия по прокату автомобилей.

Кроме того, такие решения помогут также снизить и расходы по содержанию автопарка.

Как это работает и какие преимущества GPS-мониторинга и системы управления наиболее подходят для предприятий по прокату автомобилей?

Понятно, что современные решения предлагают массу возможностей, предусмотренных для разных предприятий и их нужд. Предприятия по прокату автомобилей обязательно оценят возможность наблюдать за всем автопарком, видеть местонахождение машин, а также историю маршрутов и стиль вождения.

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Mapon System’s New Design – Insight in the process towards a more convenient system!

As you might have guessed from the title – we are working on a brand new design for Mapon system.

As time has passed, our system has become a bit old-fashioned. We know that you are used to it and you like it as it is now, but there is always a room for improvement. The comfort of old system can be misleading and we believe that it is time to upgrade the design of our system.

But don’t worry:

Nothing should be changed without decent planning, research and goal setting, therefore we have done lots of work in the past months to deliver the best product:

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12 ways how your family can benefit from using GPS tracking devices for kids and other family members

Family benefits using GPS Tracking

Of all the reasons to get a GPS tracking device, the most important case may be:

To keep your family safer.

There is nothing more important in your life than your family. Any extra measures we can take to ensure their safety are worth it.

I case you were wondering:

Child tracking devices are not meant to invade your kid’s privacy, but to help keep them safe. There is nothing more assuring than knowing that everyone in your family is out of harm’s way. With GPS tracking devices for kids, you will not only be less worried, but you will also have more time to relax.

GPS trackers for kids are growing ever more popular. The GPS market is booming, and there is no better time to be a part of the action than right now! If you had the ability to further protect your family with a simple solution, why wouldn’t you?

There are many reasons as to why you would want to utilize the GPS tracker for your family, but below there is a list of 12 benefits your family can take advantage of with the personal tracking device.

Take a look:
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Sneak peek! Fleet Maintenance product for Mapon clients – functionality and interface!

We have some great news! Fleet Maintenance product is almost here!

We have been working on this product for quite some time, consulting with our clients and industry leaders to extract the main problems with managing company fleet, as well as best tools that could solve the problem in the most convenient way.

We are still working on the product, therefore it is not publicly available, however, we have decided to give you a sneak peek into the upcoming update and product launch to get you more familiar with one of our biggest additions to Mapon software. The product is already in the testing phase and we are working on the last phase adding necessary functionality and fixing any problems that arise. Our goal is to launch a fully functional product that can be immediately used for your company needs.

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Mapon Driver! How can your company benefit from it?

We always seek new product ideas that could bring additional value and benefits to our clients and partners. Mapon Driver is one such product that started as a rather small idea to solve certain client problems but became a much bigger project.

Mapon Driver is a task management product that complements our Mapon system. It allows you to manage and control your field workers, manage your tasks with ease and instantly dispatch, schedule jobs for your field workers, and easily follow status updates.

Mapon Driver product can be divided into three parts:

  • Tasks
  • Driver identification and driving logs
  • Messaging

We will dive into each of these tasks and look at the most popular use cases.

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GPS tracking for rental cars: How to break from the mold

If you need something to set your rental car company apart from the rest, take a look at GPS tracking devices and GPS tracking system. These solutions will help your company stand out from the rest, as well as save you money.

What is GPS tracking and why should I need it for my rental cars? There are so many features vehicle locators have, that many people do not know about. To save you money, GPS tracking will help you to monitor your rental cars and help you analyze how they are being driven.

The vehicle tracking solutions market is growing and expanding. More and more companies and industries are implementing them. The best way to keep on top of the developing market is to immerse your company into the technology and get in front of your competition.
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