Ajomestarit: Mapon Platform Data Is Essential for Our Business

We sat down with our client Ajomestarit Ltd. to discuss their experience with Mapon solutions. The Mapon platform is one of their most important tools for various daily work areas – management, task scheduling, maintenance, and invoicing operations. The company tracks more than 100 vehicles using Mapon solutions.

Ajomestarit is a Finnish company that offers transportation and warehousing services, including:

  • transportation for trade fairs and events
  • passenger transportation
  • equipment rental

The business employs more than 70 service-minded transport professionals. Mapon supports Ajomestarit’s operations to deliver consistent and reliable transportation services for their clients every day.

“Along with our growth, the up-to-date information that we get from Mapon has been essential for our business. For me, the most important thing is that I can get a clear and simple overview of the fleet situation from one system at a glance. This is even more important when you have a large fleet and a lot of employees”, says Toni Murtoniemi, the CEO of Ajomestarit.

Mapon tools improve employee performance

Ajomestarit uses the Mapon platform to monitor work times, employee driving habits, and more. Two essential features of Mapon are the geo-fence tool and alerts

For example, Ajomestarit uses them to monitor driving speed near local school areas. The company has created geo-fences for those locations on the Mapon platform map. Both the manager and the driver receive immediate alerts on their phones if the 40 km/h speed limit is exceeded.

Screenshot of the Mapon platform's Map section, where a geozone has been created.
After creating a geozone, platform users can set up notifications, such as when someone speeds in that area

Another valuable improvement for the company concerns idling times. They have been reduced after implementing Mapon. At Ajomestarit, the Mapon platform functions as a solution for improving real-time road safety, as well as a tool for developing environmentally friendly and economical driving habits.

“For us, it’s not just about occasional monitoring. Mapon is an everyday tool for us, actively used by everyone from management to drivers. Data is collected and reported daily, which engages and motivates us all to do quality work,” says Toni Murtoniemi.

A screenshot of the Mapon platform's fleet efficiency section, showing idling and other data of multiple vehicles.
Managers use the fleet efficiency solution to see which vehicles idle the most

Quick response to customer requests

While considering which fleet management provider to choose, Ajomestarit discovered that Mapon’s broad range of features can support the company’s operations in many different areas. This versatility was a major selling point when choosing the tracking partner. 

Scheduling and planning work tasks became easier thanks to real-time GPS trackingall vehicle movements can now be seen on an interactive map. Ajomestarit can give clients precise time windows for their deliveries and, if necessary, the vehicle movements can even be shared with the customer via link

Customers’ schedule requests are easy and quick to respond to and unnecessary phone calls are eliminated as managers can monitor fleet movements and situations in real-time. Additionally, the route history tool makes it easy to verify loading and unloading times.

A screenshot of the Mapon platform's Map section with the route history open, and a route is visible on the map.
Route history provides a reliable snapshot on where a vehicle has been and for how long

“We want to respond to our customers’ needs on short notice, sometimes even within an hour. Mapon is a good tool for making it possible,” says Toni Murtoniemi.

Easy fleet data collection

Toni Murtoniemi says that tracking fleet costs with Mapon is really simple, which helps with planning and sticking to budgets. Apart from the initial implementation, there is no need to constantly enter data into the Mapon platform, as it is collected automatically. Once started, maintenance is effortless and all data is available in one place. 

The CEO notes that he utilises Mapon reports a lot. They can be sent directly to a specific email, and with the help of various reports, the collected data is easy to analyse. This allows employees to focus on the essentials and decisions can be made based on accurate information.

“Overall, we are satisfied with Mapon services. It’s nice to see that the software is constantly developing and that clients’ wishes are listened to. In the future, we may consider utilising other Mapon features that we do not use yet,” says Toni Murtoniemi.

Mapon offers fleet management and asset tracking solutions for all companies in a variety of industries – we’ll help track small, large and mixed fleets, as well as all your valuable assets. If you are looking for an innovative fleet management partner, reach out to us!
