Kuidas mõõta ja parandada ettevõtte sõidukipargi tõhusust?

Sinu sõidukipark kasvab su ettevõttega ühes taktis. Aja jooksul on sõidukiparki ja selle tõhusust järjest keerukam hallata. Mida rohkem sõidukeid sul on, seda raskem on aru saada, kas neid on parasjagu, liiga palju või hoopis puudu.

Kuna tänapäeval seisab sellesama probleemiga silmitsi arvukalt era- ja riigiettevõtteid, oleme Maponis loonud uhiuue sõidukipargi tõhususe lahenduse, mille toel saad oma sõidukipargis välja selgitada üldise tõhususe optimeerimiseks tarvilikud muudatused. Milleks ise rehkendada, kui kasutajasõbralik süsteem teeks töö sinu eest ära? 

Kuidas see toimib?

Igal sõidukipargil on oma iseärasused ja kasutusmustrid. Mõnda sõidukit kasutatakse ainult kindlatel kellaaegadel, mõnega töötamine tähendab sõitu, teised seisavad töö ajal kindlas kohas paigal. Mõtle näiteks tavalisele kergsõidukile, millega sõidetakse kodu ja töö vahet, pikamaaveokile ja ehitusmasinale. Kasutatavatest sõidukitüüpidest olenemata teeb Maponi sõidukipargi tõhususe lahendus sõidukipargi jõudluse sulle automaatselt läbipaistvaks.

Lahenduse kasutuselevõtul tuleb sul määrata päevad, millal sõidukipargi tõhusust arvutatakse. Lisaks saad määrata päevased töötunnid, mis tähistavad 100% tõhusust. Näiteks kui ettevõtte sõidukeid kasutatakse ainult esmaspäevast reedeni 7,5 tundi päevas, tuleb täpse tõhususarvutuse saamiseks määrata järgmine seadistus:

Meie süsteem kogub kõikidest sõidukitest andmeid kord päevas ja salvestab need süsteemi, nii et ajalooandmed jäävad muutumatuks, kui peaksid muutma tööpäevi ja/või päevaseid töötunde või eemaldama sõidukilt jälgimisseadme. Lühidalt

näitab sõidukipargi tõhusus ettevõtte sõidukipargi seisundit kindlal kuupäeval.

Üksikasjalik tõhususarvutus

Sõidukipargi tõhusust mõõdetakse skaalal 0–100% ja üldskoor kuvatakse lihtsa värviskeemiga, kus:

  • punane tähistab halvimaid tõhususskoore;
  • oranž ja kollane tähistavad keskmiseid tõhususmäärasid;
  • roheline tähistab häid ja suurepäraseid tulemusi.

Analüüsida saab sõidukite gruppide, grupeerimata sõidukite või kogu sõidukipargi tõhusust. Lisaks leiad päeva-, nädala- ja kuuvaatest käepärase ülevaate.

Nimetatud vaated sisaldavad viite hõlpsasti mõistetavat teabetahvlit, millel kuvatakse järgmiste parameetrite keskmiseid päevaseid väärtusi.

1. Tõhusus
2. Sõiduaeg
3. Tühikäiguaeg
4. Süüte väljalülitusaeg
5. Süüte sisselülitusaeg

Kõik teabetahvlitel kuvatavad väärtused põhinevad sinu määratud ajavahemikul ja grupeeritud/grupeerimata sõidukitel. Kuid iga kasutaja saab vaadata ainult neid sõidukite gruppe ja grupeerimata sõidukeid, millele tal on juurdepääs.

Päeva-, nädala- ja kuuvaate peamised erinevused on järgmised.

  • Päevavaade sisaldab eraldi iga sõiduki üksikasjalikku analüüsi: sõitmise, tühikäigu, sisse- ja väljalülitatud süüte aegu. Ja kui klõpsad kindla sõiduki ajariba, kuvatakse sõiduki kõik marsruudid vastava päeva jooksul.

  • Nädalavaade näitab nädalast sõidukipargi tõhusust valitud sõidukite ja gruppide kaupa ning keskmiseid päevase tõhususe, sisse- ja väljalülitatud süüte, tühikäigu ja sõitmise aegväärtusi. Lisaks sisaldab nädalavaade eraldi iga sõiduki päevaseid koguväärtusi. Samad funktsioonid on ka kuuvaates, mis kajastab ühe kuu tõhususandmeid.

Viis parandada tõhusust ja vähendada kulusid

Sõidukipargi tõhususe lahendusest lõikavad kasu nii erasektor kui ka riigiasutused. Läti riigikantselei hiljutise aruande kohaselt

oli riigiasutustel 2019. a alguses 301 sõidukit, mille aastane läbisõit oli väike

(alla 8500 km). Kuigi võrreldes 2018. a augustiga, mil ebatõhusaid sõidukeid oli 450, on tehtud edusamme, kulus sõidukipargi hetketõhususe arvutamiseks ja tõhususe parenduskava ellurakendamiseks rohkesti aega ja vaeva. Aga nüüd on saadaval kasutusvalmis lahendus, mis kogub terve sõidukipargi andmeid palju kiiremini ja mugavamalt, mis võimaldab organisatsioonidel näha suurt pilt ja parandada oma äritegevuse korraldust.

Kui saad oma sõidukipargi jõudlust jälgida, aitab see optimeerida sõidukipargi suurust ning hoida pikas perspektiivis kokku väärtuslikke ressursse – aega ja raha. Lahenduse abil saad igal juhul teada, kas kõiki ettevõtte sõidukeid läheb ka tegelikult tarvis, ja seda ilma vajaduseta ise mahukaid aruandeid koostada, sest süsteem teeb selle sinu eest ära.

Nagu näha, annab Maponi sõidukipargi tõhususe lahendus sõidukipargi mitmesuguste tõhususnäitajate hindamiseks sinu käsutusse hulganisti võimalusi. Meie meeskond tutvustab seda sulle meeleldi põhjalikumalt, nii et võta meiega julgesti ühendust meiliaadressil i[email protected] või telefoninumbril +371 6727 1803.

How Remeo promotes sustainable driving and optimises operations with Mapon

Advanced fleet management is not just about collecting fleet data – it’s about optimising your company’s resources and respecting the environment at the same time. Mapon provides plenty of data to help you make smart decisions, whether it’s about fleet utilisation, maintenance, or sustainable driving.

Our client Remeo, a waste management company and circular economy promoter, uses Mapon solutions for data-driven optimisation of operations and the development of eco-friendly driving practices. So let’s sit down with Remeo’s representatives to discuss how advanced fleet management supports their vision of reducing environmental impact and optimising operations.

Real-time fleet data supports fact-based decision making

The Mapon platform acts as the right hand of Remeo’s foremen. In their daily work, foremen Isto and Neea use Mapon to check where company vehicles are in real time and what drivers are doing behind the wheel. The driving behaviour analysis reports provide valuable information for driver training and development discussions with drivers helping Remeo achieve their economic driving goals.

Fleet management makes up half of Remeo’s resource planning, which is why up-to-date fleet data is crucial for making data-driven decisions.

Fact-based decision-making is a key element of doing business. In addition to vehicle location data, Mapon provides a wealth of other important information for the foremen. Mapon is a great tool for resolving feedback and damage reports. Mapon can be used to check vehicle locations, route history, dates, times, and driving speeds, facilitating the resolving process and enabling a rapid response to potential claims.

“For example, if someone has reported to us that a heavy vehicle has hit a parked car at a certain location at a certain time, we can use Mapon reports to disprove the claim, if our vehicles were not moving in that area at the reported time” explains Isto, Foreman at Remeo.

Fleet efficiency and maintenance data in one place

Efficient fleet utilisation is particularly important for companies whose business activities revolve around their vehicle fleet. 

“In general, fleet management is 50% of our resource planning, and people are the other half. At Remeo, the driver and the vehicle always go hand in hand. That’s why it’s really important for us to have the right number of vehicles – so that we avoid underutilising vehicles or constantly being without vehicles”, explains Joonas Savolainen, Development Manager at Remeo. 

The fleet efficiency and usage data from Mapon can be used to draw conclusions about the optimal number of vehicles and can be used for work shift planning to ensure that all units are used as efficiently as possible.

Remeo's green vehicles.

At Remeo, fleet maintenance is an easy process since drivers regularly perform vehicle checks using the Mapon Driver application. Based on these inspections, the supervisors book the necessary maintenance for vehicles. Vehicle-specific information on maintenance and inspection dates is always available in the system. In addition to fleet efficiency and maintenance data, Mapon provides mileage data that can be used for carbon footprint calculations.

“Having all the data easily accessible on the same software helps a lot in everyday work.” – Isto, Foreman at Remeo

All in all, the fleet management system is an invaluable tool in the daily work of the waste management company Remeo, providing supervisors and foremen with a comprehensive view of all fleet data in one platform to support better decision-making. 

Towards greener and more economical driving habits

The journey of Remeo and Mapon started in 2018 with the goal of optimising Remeo’s fleet management processes and focusing more on driver behaviour monitoring. 

Driving behaviour monitoring provides accurate information on driver’s habits behind the wheel. The solution includes data on measures such as eco-speed, coasting, idling, harsh acceleration, and braking. In addition, Remeo monitors drivers’ speeding.

“Thanks to our economical driving habits, we have saved the equivalent of the carbon dioxide emissions from heating 200 private homes a year.” – Remeo

Driver behaviour analysis can be used to identify responsible driving and, on the other hand, to address wasteful habits. Then supervisors can educate the drivers on more economical, safe, and sustainable driving practices. Many Remeo drivers take this as a positive challenge! “By collecting data on fuel consumption, vehicle condition, and driving habits, we can look at our activities based on data and results, thus working to reduce carbon emissions,” Remeo writes in their article.

Screenshot from Mapon fleet management platform Driving behaviour section.
Mapon’s driving behaviour analysis provides information on key driving behaviour indicators like eco-speed and coasting in an easy-to-read format.

Remeo’s driving behaviour progress

Remeo’s goal for 2023 was to focus on the development of the coasting parameter of driving style. Coasting happens when a vehicle moves with the gears in neutral. Their aim was to increase the coasting rate to 10%. In practice, this means a 10% reduction in fuel consumption, and a roughly equivalent reduction in emissions. 

In addition to the emission reductions, coasting preserves the car by reducing the amount of hard braking and by not wearing out the tyres as quickly. “In the long run, the increase in coasting will result in less frequent fleet repairs, and this way, we will also save natural resources”, Remeo writes in their article.

One of the greatest and most tangible insights has come from a Remeo driver, who realised that driving more economically doesn’t take up any more of his working time, but makes a huge difference in fuel spending:

“By getting the data and focusing on coasting, the refuelling interval is now three days instead of two while the work still gets done as smoothly,” says the Remeo driver.

Since spring 2022, Remeo’s average coasting rate has increased and the trend is continuing in the right direction. By autumn 2023, the best drivers had achieved coasting rates of up to 30%. That’s an excellent percentage, but significant fuel savings can be achieved already with a coasting rate of 15%.

Graph visualizing Remeo's driving behaviour coasting progress.
Remeo’s unit in Lahti has made exemplary progress in coasting.

Together towards advanced data-driven fleet management

Mapon is constantly working to make the platform as intuitive, modern, and user-friendly as possible. It is rewarding to hear how Remeo foremen Neea and Isto, and Development Manager Joonas agree that the Mapon platform is logical and easy to adopt. Isto and Joonas say that one does not require lengthy training or instruction to start using Mapon: “With just a little familiarisation, you can learn to use the platform very quickly.”

“From the very beginning, the personal chemistry with the people at Mapon has been good and that was one of the reasons, apart from the easy-to-use interface, why we chose to work together with them in the first place. When thinking about new ideas regarding our fleet, I always feel like Mapon is just as excited to move forward with us. We are never told straight away that something is not possible, they always start exploring options and respond to our needs. It’s been really positive,” Joonas explains.

“If someone were to ask me, I would definitely be the first to recommend Mapon.” – Joonas, Development Manager at Remeo

Since the beginning of our cooperation, Remeo has been interested in new ways the Mapon platform can help meet its fleet management goals. They’ve actively tested our solutions, provided feedback, and we’ve always supported their vision to the best of our ability. “It is great to see how our mutual commitment to close cooperation and development has borne fruit,” sums up Antti Korhonen, the Chief Operating Officer of Mapon Finland. 

If you are looking for an innovative fleet management partner for your company, turn to Mapon. We are one of the leading fleet management service providers in Europe with more than 18 years of experience. We have a variety of fleet management solutions such as real-time vehicle tracking, remote digital tachograph download, fleet fuel monitoring, fleet camera systems, and many others – all in one platform.

Feel free to contact us and join us on the journey towards more efficient fleet management, data-driven optimisation, and a more sustainable future!

Artis JP: How Mapon Solutions Help Reduce Workplace Theft Risks

Agriculture companies employ specialised and very expensive equipment that requires special monitoring and maintenance. That’s why agriculture company fleet managers are always seeking reliable fleet management solutions.

In this article, we explore how Mapon solutions have helped Artis JP, a leading Latvian grain company, overcome key challenges and safeguard its fleet against theft.

Continue reading “Artis JP: How Mapon Solutions Help Reduce Workplace Theft Risks”

Rentaltech: Mapon is a very intuitive and user-friendly platform with a very robust alerts module

Mapon has a large network of clients and partners – that’s why we invited our partner Jorge A. Pardo, CEO of Rentaltech, to talk about his experience with Mapon.

Jorge is an expert in security and specialises in offering different field-related services, as well as providing rental companies with technological products, such as license plate duplication, RFID solutions and others.

Continue reading “Rentaltech: Mapon is a very intuitive and user-friendly platform with a very robust alerts module”

Tracksys: With Mapon, we can offer clients multiple solutions in one place

mapon partner tracksys from norway shares experience in using our fleet management platform

At the beginning of this year, we reached an important milestone of having 100 000 tracking devices connected to the Mapon platform. Our partner Tracksys from Norway was the one who connected the 100 000th device, so we decided to invite the company CTO Frank Strand to a conversation about his experience in the telematics business, the importance of building partnerships and the changes the pandemic has brought to the market.

Continue reading “Tracksys: With Mapon, we can offer clients multiple solutions in one place”

6 risinājumi tava autoparka pārvaldības procesu digitalizācijai

mapon fleet management

Digitalizācija ir biznesa pasaulē labi zināms termins. Tomēr šobrīd, kad pasauli pārņēmusi COVID-19 pandēmija, ir ievērojami pieaugusi nepieciešamība pārnest pēc iespējas vairāk biznesa procesu uz digitālo vidi. Tas ir īpaši nozīmīgi arī transporta, loģistikas un piegādes uzņēmumiem, kuriem ir svarīga loma cīņā ar pandēmiju visā pasaulē. Šajā rakstā stāstām par sešiem risinājumiem, kas varētu palīdzēt tavam uzņēmumam digitalizēt un automatizēt vairākus ikdienas procesus un sagatavoties dzīvei pēc ārkārtas situācijas beigām.

Continue reading “6 risinājumi tava autoparka pārvaldības procesu digitalizācijai”

6 solutions to help you digitise fleet management operations

mapon fleet management

Digitalisation is no news to the business world. However, the current situation with the coronavirus outbreak has significantly increased the need to switch as many business operations as possible to the digital environment. It’s especially important for the transportation, logistics and delivery companies that have a crucial role in helping the world to deal with the pandemic. Here’s a list of six solutions that could allow your business to digitise and automate many of your daily operations and prepare for the future after the pandemic.

Continue reading “6 solutions to help you digitise fleet management operations”