User experience is what makes customers choose one product over another. At Mapon, we strive to make our platform as easy-to-use and understand as possible, and it can only be done by taking into account what our clients have to say. Recently, we’ve got feedback that there is plenty of useful information in our system that offers a very detailed look into the state of the company fleet, but it takes a lot of time just to click through all sections and find all that data. That allowed our team to come up with Dashboards – an entirely new section that will allow you to keep track of the most important information of your fleet. Continue reading “Dashboards for a convenient overview of your fleet state”
С рабочим визитом Mapon посетил министр сообщения и председатель правления Автотранспортной дирекции
Этим летом с рабочим визитом Mapon посетил министр сообщения Талис Линкайтс и председатель правления Автотранспортной дирекции Кристианс Гродиньш , чтобы обсудить актуальные новости транспортной области, вызовы и доступные технологические решения. Continue reading “С рабочим визитом Mapon посетил министр сообщения и председатель правления Автотранспортной дирекции”
The Minister of Transport and the Head of the Board at the Road Transport Association pays working visit to Mapon
This summer, Latvian Minister of Transport Tālis Linkaits and the Head of the Board at the Road Transport Association Kristiāns Grodiņš came to Mapon on a working visit to discuss the transport industry development trends, current challenges and possible technological solutions. Continue reading “The Minister of Transport and the Head of the Board at the Road Transport Association pays working visit to Mapon”
Darba vizītē Mapon viesojas satiksmes ministrs un Autotransporta direkcijas valdes priekšsēdētājs
Šovasar darba vizītē Mapon viesojās satiksmes ministrs Tālis Linkaits un Autotransporta direkcijas valdes priekšsēdētājs Kristiāns Grodiņš, lai pārrunātu transporta nozares aktualitātes, izaicinājumus un pieejamos tehnoloģiskos risinājumus. Continue reading “Darba vizītē Mapon viesojas satiksmes ministrs un Autotransporta direkcijas valdes priekšsēdētājs”
Mapon estuvo en la feria líder de la industria en Munich
A principios de junio, el equipo de Mapon participó en la feria de logística de transporte en Múnich. Durante los cuatro días de la feria, nuestros colegas de Letonia, Finlandia y España se reunieron con nuestros socios y clientes potenciales de toda Europa, presentándoles las ofertas de la empresa y estableciendo nuevas asociaciones. Continue reading “Mapon estuvo en la feria líder de la industria en Munich”
Mapon exhibits at the leading industry trade fair in Munich
At the beginning of June, Mapon team participated in the transport logistics trade fair in Munich. During the four days of the fair, our colleagues from Latvia, Finland and Spain met with our partners and prospective clients from around Europe, introducing them to the company offer and making new partnerships. Continue reading “Mapon exhibits at the leading industry trade fair in Munich”
4 numbers that will change the way you think about the fleet management market
There is power in data, and data shows that the fleet management market is the right place to start, expand or develop your business.
12.6% – percentage of commercial vehicles equipped with telematics devices
Only 12.6% of commercial vehicles in the USA and Canada are equipped with fleet management devices. This proportion is even smaller in less developed countries which reveals a huge potential for local businesses willing to supply telematics solutions to the companies in need. The following numbers will demonstrate why companies with car fleets would be interested in such services.
$2.2 billion – total fuel cost savings attributed to usage of fleet management services
Fuel prices have risen steeply during the last 15 years and it is expected that they will continue to grow, after all fuel is a non-renewable resource. Companies with car fleets are always searching for ways to cut their fuel costs and GPS fleet management is the most efficient way to do that. GPS fleet tracking combined with fuel monitoring devices can help analyse driven routes and fuel consumption data in order to optimize transportation services.
5 million tons per year – decrease of CO2 emissions related to implementation of fleet management solutions
Every successful entrepreneur knows how important it is to act in a socially conscious way. GPS tracking and other telematics solutions help companies with car fleets to decrease their negative impact on the planet via more efficient fuel consumption and route planning. “Think green” is the slogan of this century and with fleet management solutions – thoughts turn into actions.
$34.9 billion – total savings due to decrease in payroll hours
In scalable terms – annual payroll savings on average per vehicle accumulate $14 692. For a company operating 20 vehicles that means savings of more than $293 000 each year. Not bad if you ask me (or anyone, for that matter). Every car fleet operator should be interested in having a piece of these savings.
Summing it all up – fleet management tools can have a huge effect on companies with car fleets. Not only can they save hundreds of thousands of dollars but also become more ecological and hence comply with the modern standards of green thinking. Demand for GPS tracking and fuel control services is on the rise, don’t miss out on this opportunity and visit our whitelabel page to find out more.
Otanki Mill: Fleet Fuel Consumption Reduced by 10% Using Mapon Solutions
Otanki Mill is the largest agriculture services provider in the Baltic region, with more than 25 years of experience in the European market. The company’s main business is transporting agricultural produce. It’s made possible by operating a fleet made up of a couple of dozen vehicles.
Continue reading “Otanki Mill: Fleet Fuel Consumption Reduced by 10% Using Mapon Solutions”Ar Mapon risinājumiem Otaņķu Dzirnavnieks samazina autoparka degvielas patēriņu par 10%
Otaņķu Dzirnavnieks ir lielākais lauksaimniecības pakalpojumu sniedzējs Baltijā ar 25 gadu pieredzi Eiropas tirgū. Uzņēmuma galvenā darbības sfēra ir lauksaimniecības produktu pārvadāšana, ko nodrošina vairākus desmitus liels transportlīdzekļu autoparks.
Continue reading “Ar Mapon risinājumiem Otaņķu Dzirnavnieks samazina autoparka degvielas patēriņu par 10%”Mapon sharing company expertise on the advanced telematics in Dubai
On the March 28, Mapon team participated in Telematics Conference Middle East & Africa in Dubai. Advanced telematics was one of the main topics of the event and our Co-CEO took part in a panel discussion on the same subject – “The increasing need for advanced telematics”. Continue reading “Mapon sharing company expertise on the advanced telematics in Dubai”