It is hard to imagine office work without meetings. They have even become a part of popular culture through series such as The Office, in which the character Michael Scott often gathers all employees to hold spontaneous, long and usually purposeless meetings. Every joke has some truth to it, as organisations, including businesses, spend up to 15% of the collective work time in meetings. They can be spread across the week and different times of the workday.
Continue reading “A day without meetings – Mapon experience”Diena bez sapulcēm – Mapon komandas pieredze
Biroja darbu ir grūti iztēloties bez sapulcēm. Tās pat ir ienākušas popkultūrā, piemēram, pazīstamā seriāla The Office tēlam Maiklam Skotam ir paradums sasaukt visus darbiniekus uz spontānām, ilgām un nereti – bezjēdzīgām sapulcēm. Katrā jokā ir grauds patiesības – organizācijas, tostarp uzņēmumi, velta līdz pat 15% no kopējā darba laika sapulcēm. Tās var būt izkaisītas pa visu nedēļu un pa dažādiem dienas laikiem.
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