8 tips to help you avoid traffic jams

The summer is quickly approaching and the last thing you want to do is spend it in traffic jams, so here’s a list of tips that should help you avoid them.

1. Timing

If possible, adjust your schedule to avoid heavy rush hours. You will save time if you arrive at work an hour before or after the rush hours and leave accordingly.

2. Apps

Top choice – Waze. It’s already quite popular and you should be using it. This navigation app analyses traffic intensity and calculates fastest routes, helping you avoid traffic jams. Download the app here for iOS or Android.

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You can’t hide from technology – so why not benefit from it?

In our previous blog post we looked at 5 common myths about fleet management systems, and one of those myths was that small fleets don’t need management systems. One point in particular that we discussed was that cell phones are efficient enough to manage a fleet. Today we’ll look at some more detailed research and arguments that show why that might not be true (at least not anymore).

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5 common myths about fleet management systems

In our daily communication with clients we have encountered various myths about GPS tracking and fleet management solutions. Despite the fact that fleet management systems are on the rise and have already proven their operational benefits, there are still many misconceptions that distort the market. In this post we’ll go through 5 of the most popular mistruths and tackle them.

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Pokročilé telematické riešenie pre chladenie

Kreiss – spoločnosť so sídlom v Rige, Lotyšsku a pobočkami po celom svete – Nórsko, Rusko, Belgicko a Kazachstan – je bezpochyby jedným z najväčších podnikov nákladnej dopravy v Európe a prevádzkuje flotilu približne 1400 nákladných automobilov a 1700 chladiarenských prívesov. S veľkosťou však prichádzajú určité problémy.

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