JYSK: Maponi marsruudi planeerimise lahendus aitab meil ettevõttesisest kaubatarnet tõhusalt juhtida

jysk uses Mapon route planning and optimisation solution to launch in-house delivery service in the Baltics and Belarus

Marsruudi planeerimine ja optimeerimine on lahendus, mida kasutavad paljud ettevõtted kogu maailmas. 2020. aastal tõi COVID-19 pandeemia jaemüügi- ja e-kaubanduse maastikul endaga kaasa suuri muutusi, mis põhjustasid veelgi suuremat nõudlust selle lahenduse järele – ettevõtted vajasid antud lahendust transpordi- ja kohaletoimetamisteenuse kõrge efektiivsuse tagamiseks ja kliendi hea rahulolu taseme säilitamiseks. Nüüd näitab Global Newswire uusim uuring, et marsruudi planeerimise tarkvara turu eeldatav iga-aastane kasv on 10,9% kuni aastani 2025. 

Vahepeal on mõned meie kliendid juba lahendust proovinud ja avastanud, milliseid eeliseid see ärile pakub. Lugege edasi ja saate teada, kuidas Skandinaavia kodutarvete jaemüüja JYSK on marsruudi planeerimist kasutanud Riias, Vilniuses ja Minskis asuvate klientide veebipoodidest tehtud tellimuste tarnete haldamiseks.

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JYSK: Решение Mapon для планирования маршрутов помогает нам эффективно осуществлять доставку своими силами

jysk uses Mapon route planning and optimisation solution to launch in-house delivery service in the Baltics and Belarus

Планирование и оптимизация маршрутов – это решение, которым пользуются многие компании по всему миру. В 2020 году пандемия COVID-19 внесла серьезные изменения в сферу розничной торговли и электронной коммерции, которые привели к увеличению спроса на это решение – оно понадобилось компаниям для обеспечения высокой эффективности услуг транспортировки и доставки, а также для поддержания высокого уровня удовлетворенности клиентов. Согласно результатам последнего исследования Global Newswire, до 2025 года совокупный ежегодный рост рынка программного обеспечения для планирования маршрутов составит 10,9 %. 

Между тем, некоторые наши клиенты уже опробовали это решение и открыли в нем преимущества для своего бизнеса. Читай дальше и узнай, как скандинавский продавец товаров для дома JYSK использовал планирование маршрутов для управления доставкой товаров из своих онлайн-магазинов клиентам в Риге, Вильнюсе и Минске.

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JYSK: Mapon maršruta plānošanas risinājums palīdz efektīvi pārvaldīt piegādes pakalpojumu sniegšanu

jysk uses Mapon route planning and optimisation solution to launch in-house delivery service in the Baltics and Belarus

Maršruta plānošanas un optimizācijas risinājumus izmanto liels skaits uzņēmumu visā pasaulē. 2020. gadā COVID-19 pandēmija ieviesa būtiskas izmaiņas tirdzniecībā un e-komercijā, kas izraisīja vēl lielāku pieprasījumu pēc šādiem risinājumiem – uzņēmumiem tie bija nepieciešami, lai nodrošinātu augstu transporta un piegādes pakalpojumu efektivitāti un klientu servisa kvalitāti. Dažādas tirgus prognozes liecina, ka pieprasījums pieaugs arī turpmāk. Piemēram, jaunākajā Global Newswire pētījumā teikts, ka līdz 2025. gadam maršruta plānošanas programmatūras tirgus saliktā gada vidējais pieaugums varētu sasniegt pat 10.9%.

Kamēr citi vēl tikai izskata iespēju izmēģināt maršruta plānošanas risinājumus, daži no mūsu klientiem to jau izmanto un ir atklājuši, kādus ieguvumus tas sniedz uzņēmumam. Šajā rakstā uzzināsi, kā skandināvu mājas un interjera preču tirgotājs JYSK izmanoto Mapon maršruta plānošanas risinājumu, lai pārvaldītu interneta veikala pasūtījumu piegādi uzņēmuma klientiem Rīgā, Viļņā un Minskā.

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JYSK: Mapon route planning solution helps us to effectively manage in-house delivery

jysk uses Mapon route planning and optimisation solution to launch in-house delivery service in the Baltics and Belarus

Route planning and optimisation is a solution used by many businesses worldwide. In 2020, COVID-19 pandemic brought major changes in the retail and e-commerce landscape that caused even greater demand for this solution – businesses needed it to ensure high transportation and delivery service efficiency and maintain good customer satisfaction levels. Now, the latest research by Global Newswire says that the route planning software market is expected to have a 10.9% compound annual growth rate until 2025. 

Meanwhile, some of our clients have already tried the solution and discovered the benefits it brings to the business. Read on and find out how Scandinavian household goods retailer JYSK has used route planning to manage their online store deliveries to clients in Riga, Vilnius and Minsk.

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How will the telematics market in Latin America change in 2021?

The Latin American market is fast-moving and has very short decision cycles. It’s pretty far away from our home market in Northern Europe but got closer to us once we started off our branch in Barcelona, Spain. It got even closer once we shifted our strategy from working mainly with end customers to partners in Spain and started approaching potential partners in other Spanish-speaking countries as well. Being in the telematics business for a while now, we see that it’s worth compiling some trends that we expect to be most important during 2021.

Oversaturation in the market

Globally the consolidation of the telematics market is happening for quite some time, however, there haven’t been that many large acquisitions in the Latin American market so far due to the fact that the markets are fragmented and there are a lot of small players operating on either simple custom-built platforms or some well-known global player platforms.

The oversaturation, in this case, comes from the fact that there are lots of players using either identical or very similar product portfolios and can only differ in terms of price. As soon as the competition is based only on price, no one in the market has any advantages and are basically just eating each other up.

We see that this is not something that could be changed in a year or two and it provides decent opportunities for the advanced telematics platforms and players that are not yet present in this market. At times approaching the potential partners in Latin America, we’ve seen a decent interest in the Mapon platform as the partners see an opportunity to have an advanced telematics platform that is not already in the portfolio of lots of other players in the market.


Despite the market being fragmented and oversaturated, the players still manage to form alliances and join forces in specific sectors when looking to combine buying power. We see that as a very smart move and this trend is more important than ever with hardware manufacturers trying to raise prices due to component shortages and Covid-19 related logistics issues.

Fuel control

We see decent momentum for fleet fuel tracking solutions in Latin American markets. There are several factors involved, the most important being the security situation. There’s lots of fuel theft happening as the rewards for the thieves are rather high. Given the low median income levels compared with Northern Europe, fuel theft is an attractive potential additional income stream either for drivers or thieves. Apart from that, we also see a decent interest from fuel sensor manufacturers to move into Latin American markets, so we take for granted that quality hardware solutions will be available.

Mapon has extensive experience in fuel control solutions in Northern and Eastern Europe and we’re ready to bring this knowledge across the ocean.

Our experience shows that installing fuel sensors can easily reduce the amount of fuel consumption by 15-20% due to eliminating fuel theft. In extreme cases, the savings can go up to even 50%.

One of the main issues we see in Latin American markets is the lack of knowledge and equipment for proper fuel sensor calibration after the installation in order to guarantee a high quality of data. Hopefully, in 2021 we can introduce our best practices for sensor installation and calibration.

Connectivity – 2G / 4G / Sigfox

Depending on the use case, potential installation region and the duration of the expected unit lifetime, 2021 could be the year when telematics providers should start thinking about migrating to 4G units. 

If we look at specific countries,

Mexico has already switched off the 2G network, while other countries are holding back their plans on suspending the 2G network due to the large number of subscribers on it.

Keeping in mind the fact that telematics devices are installed for several years of operation, the next potential migrations to more advanced networks in 2025 doesn’t seem to be that far away.

Returning to the security topic, it’s no secret that 2G / 3G networks can be rather easily jammed, while radio networks like Sigfox are nearly impossible to jam. Looking at the Sigfox coverage map of Mexico and other Latin American countries, we also see momentum for using Sigfox as the connectivity of choice for specific use cases.

2020 sure was a turbulent year for the whole global economy and uncertain times may still lay ahead in 2021. Of course, it makes predicting the future even more difficult. However, we’ve seen that the telematics sector has stayed rather stable. That’s why we’re sure that the new year will bring us new opportunities, partnerships and technology. It’ll be interesting to look back and see whether our predictions became true and how 2021 will have changed the telematics market in Latin America.

Otaņķu Dzirnavnieks: как решения Mapon снизили расходы топлива на 10%

Otaņķu Dzirnavnieks — крупнейший поставщик сельскохозяйственных услуг в Балтии с более чем 20-летним опытом работы на европейском рынке. Основное направление компании — перевозка сельскохозяйственной продукции, для которой используется автопарк из десятков транспортных средств.

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Hoe verandert de Europese fleet management markt in 2021?

Mapon voorspelt trends in de Europese telematica markt voor 2021

Een blogpost schrijven over de trends in de telematica-industrie voor 2021, lijkt een onmogelijke missie na het ervaren van de wilde rit die 2020 was. We hebben gezien dat de hele wereld binnen een paar weken volledig op zijn kop kan staan. Plotseling moet je je aanpassen aan een nieuwe realiteit, dus als je gokt over wat het volgende jaar zal brengen, word je erg voorzichtig. Toch zullen we ons best doen om enkele trends te voorspellen.

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