Mapon Blog

Here we write about our latest updates and share our knowledge by publishing insightful articles on how to use fleet management telematics solutions to take your business to a new level!

Fleet fuel consumption reduced by 10% using Mapon solutions

Fleet fuel consumption reduced by 10% using Mapon solutions

Otaņķu Dzirnavnieks Is the largest agriculture services provider in the Baltic region with 20 years of experience in the European market. The main business of the company is transporting agricultural produce. It’s made possible by operating a fleet made up of a couple of dozen vehicles.
SCHWENK approach to improving driver behaviour within the company’s fleet

SCHWENK approach to improving driver behaviour within the company’s fleet

The transportation sector is responsible for 33% of overall energy consumption in Europe, with the road transportation sector accounting for more than 80% of that energy, according to the European Commission. However, the recent years have shown a trend of companies improving the vehicle usage processes to cut energy and fuel consumption and vehicle maintenance costs. It means that companies are focusing on boosting their fleet efficiency and driver behaviour while promoting positive changes in the whole industry.  
Kreiss case study: Temperature monitoring solution that offers state-of-the-art service quality

Kreiss case study: Temperature monitoring solution that offers state-of-the-art service quality

Kreiss – a company with headquarters in Riga, Latvia and offices around the world – Norway, Russia, Belgium and Kazakhstan – is one of the largest cargo transportation enterprises in Europe with a fleet of around 1400 trucks and 1700 refrigerated trailers. However, with size comes certain issues.

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