Fleet camera systems leave no room for interpretation – they let you see what exactly is going on around your vehicle. Fleet dash cams and camera systems deliver reliable records that can be used as evidence in case of any disputable situations.
Get a demoFleet dash cams are more than just monitoring tools – they also provide round-the-clock safety for both drivers and vehicles. Use cameras to maintain safe following distance and eliminate blind spots.
Fleet camera solutions enhance optimal driver behaviour, preventing costly repairs and saving your business a fortune in the long term. Identify risks early to reduce maintenance, accidents, and insurance costs.
Professional fleet camera systems do more than just record videos. Our user-friendly fleet management software lets you connect to live streams, view saved events, and manage everything with ease.
Step into the driver's seat with our compilation of real-world road incidents captured by our fleet dash cams. Such videos serve as reliable evidence and help protect the innocent.
Camera systems serve as an additional pair of vigilant eyes for your vehicle, ensuring continuous protection.
✔️ Enhance visibility – See what's going on around your vehicle, be it on the road or the parking lot
✔️ Eliminate blind spots – Minimise accident risks, safeguard yourself and other road users
✔️ Protect yourself – Ensure legal protection in case of accidents and settle claims using video evidence.
Camera solutions streamline fleet management, ensuring the safety of every vehicle while also supporting driver efficiency.
✔️ Protect your drivers – Use videos to clear drivers of false collision accusations, ensuring their innocence is evident
✔️ Get access to all data – Use dash cams to capture important events that may be needed for coaching in combination with driver behaviour monitoring or as evidence
✔️ Safeguard your business – Capture videos from worksites, protect vehicles against theft, and use recordings as evidence to secure insurance claims.
Dash cams face the road, but what if you want to extend the coverage?
Our fleet camera systems provide complete visibility in every direction. Depending on the vehicle type, 1 to 8 cameras can be installed for up to a 360° view around the vehicle.
With these camera solutions drivers can work smoothly and safely, staying in full control.
Live stream
Automated Event Detection
Memory Card Access
Connect to fleet cameras remotely and watch the action in real time. Use vehicle cameras to monitor and coach drivers en route, assess the situation, and more. The connection takes just a few seconds and you can change the stream quality to see details.
Fleet dash cams automatically detect a range of events and emergencies and save footage on the Mapon platform. Wherever anything noteworthy happens on the road, you can quickly get the evidence, review, save, comment, and share the footage.
If you want to watch something that was not saved as an event, you can remotely access the internal storage of a specific dash cam. Choose the camera, date and time, view the unedited stream and download or share footage if necessary – even when the vehicles are located in different countries.
Explore our detailed guide to video telematics and learn about use cases and wider industry trends.
Fleet cameras are versatile tools that can be used far beyond gathering video evidence after accidents. Explore how our clients use fleet camera systems for different needs in a range of industries!
Settling minor disputes
Work time proof
Trailer safety
Checking the perimeter
Keeping watch on the work area
Fleet management cameras are often used to review the causes of small yet costly accidents, for example, collisions during construction work. Some fleet dash cams react to collisions and start recording even when the ignition is off, helping resolve the issue.
In some cases, a running engine doesn’t always mean that real work is being done. With fleet cameras managers see what happens during work hours. This is particularly useful for special vehicles such as forklifts, excavators, and combine harvesters.
In some countries, fleet companies use in-trailer and rear-view cameras to make sure unauthorised persons don’t enter the trailer. Fleet cameras also help back into loading bays safely.
Managers and drivers who deliver dangerous or valuable cargo can constantly check via live stream if the vehicle isn’t being followed and keep an eye on suspicious traffic participants.
Sometimes, it’s better to place cameras in the work area instead of moving assets. Construction companies and scrap metal collectors use fleet camera systems to remotely assess the scope of work.
Want to see fleet dash cams in your fleet? Fill in the form below and our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible!