A thought-through solution that allows you to get in touch with anyone within the company using one simple tool. It will ease the communication between colleagues and departments, providing a unified platform for conversations, file and location sharing.
Direct messages
Group chats
SMS and Garmin messages
File and location sharing
Mobile applications
Communication hub that connects drivers and office employees. Available on Mapon Driver mobile application on both iOS and Android platforms.
Use the Messaging integration to exchange messages and files directly between Mapon and your internal systems. With this API, files that will be sent from Mapon Driver mobile app will be directly added to your bookkeeping system, etc.
Brand new feature - workspaces that provide a simultaneous, transparent and easy-to-follow communication between the driver and specific company departments and teams.
Share photos, documents and coordinates with your drivers and access all media in one place anytime, anywhere.
Advanced search within individual conversations, groups and workspaces that will help you quickly find what you're looking for.
Flawless integration with your Garmin device. It will enable you to explore and use all communication tool features with no limitations.
Please call us on +371 67 27 1803 or send us an inquiry and we'll get in touch with you as soon as possible.
Want to find out more about how our communication tool can help your business? Apply for a demo now!