Avers: Fleet Monitoring is The Key to Peace of Mind and Safety
Ukrainian company Avers has been working in the field of logistics and various auto services for more than thirty years. Since 2012 Avers has been actively cooperating with Mapon – it is not only our client but also one of the first partners distributing our solutions in Ukraine and Poland.
After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Avers continued to work even under wartime conditions. The cooperation with Mapon has also endured – thanks to Avers, our company is still well-represented in the Ukrainian transport market. We met with Sviatoslav Korostelov, the head of Avers, to discuss what it’s like to do business under war conditions, and why companies need fleet monitoring solutions.
Transport Business During the War
Watch the video to learn how Avers operates in challenging circumstances and how Mapon solutions are helping the company and Ukraine!
How Avers Implemented Fleet Monitoring
Avers works in the field of transport services, logistics, and sales of various auto products. At the moment, the company’s corporate fleet includes about 15 vehicles, which are used for cargo delivery. The company’s main focus is now on providing various transport services to other enterprises and promoting Mapon solutions as our partner.
Avers was founded in 1993, and for many years the company has been closely cooperating with the Baltic region, working with various companies, including those from Latvia. This is how Avers crossed paths with Mapon – Sviatoslav recalls that Mapon was once recommended to him by another client of our company. Back then, it wasn’t immediately clear that Mapon’s solutions could be used to build a partner business – but over time, the value of fleet management for all kinds of businesses became obvious.
“I thought it was a cool idea to be able to monitor a fleet of vehicles. It’s important for me to have access to information. Heating sensors, electricity consumption sensors are great things.
I think it’s wrong to have water running as much as you want, light bulbs burning nonstop. And I know there are a lot of people like me – people who value investment, who follow the rules. Mapon’s solutions allow people like me to live and work peacefully.”
Peace of Mind, Not Just Savings

Sviatoslav notes that the big advantage of Mapon is that everyone can find how to use it to suit their needs. Solutions and integrations can be tailored to the specifics of a particular business and fleet. For example, companies working with truck transport should connect their accounting to Mapon to quickly calculate drivers’ salaries based on hours worked.
Another important aspect is fuel consumption control. For trucks, a single refuelling can cost several thousand euros, and if a fleet has 20 vehicles and each one is drained of fuel, the losses can be huge.
Sviatoslav emphasises that although saving money is a significant plus, for him Mapon’s main advantage lies elsewhere.
“At the end of the day, when you glance at the monitor and see that all the cars are marked in red – that brings me peace of mind because it means all my vehicles are at the parking lot.
For example, we have a rule that all vehicles must be parked after 9 pm. Before Mapon, we used to take one’s word for it. Or we would call and ask the driver where he was. But sometimes the driver just didn’t answer the phone. And in the morning, he said everything was fine. Then the accountant had to find all these violations by kilometrage, it was all very difficult. When we connected our fleet to the Mapon platform, I finally realised that everything was under control, and I felt calm.
“I’m Willing to Look After My Property”

At Avers, line managers use Mapon’s solutions, and all drivers are informed that the company has monitoring systems in place. Here’s what Sviatoslav says about the initial adaptation teething troubles.
“Of course, there were some troubles at the beginning. We’ve all sometimes wanted to do several things at the same time, even during working hours. So I remember the amazement when I showed someone that yesterday he was driving to the office and suddenly he drove off 15 km to the right, then 30 km to the left and then stopped for another half an hour. Then explanations ensued, people said that they have one relative living here, another there, and that they needed to pick something up. After that, of course, employees remember this experience and realise that we look after our property and we are ready to do it again and again”.
How Can You Find a Car in an Emergency?
When war broke out in Ukraine, Avers had to instantly adapt and figure out how to rescue the 200 vehicles associated with the company at the time. Thanks to Mapon’s reliable GPS fleet tracking systems, they were able to find abandoned and stolen vehicles, including expensive agricultural equipment, harvesters worth hundreds of thousands of euros, and even ambulances.
Mapon Helps Fight Car Thefts

In Ukraine, Avers is still working with many taxi fleets, and one unusual way taxi companies use Mapon solutions is to fight car thefts.
When the Mapon app alerts drivers that their car is leaving, they take the second key and follow the stolen car. Then, they wait for the thief to stop, go to the WC or shop, unlock the car with the second key, and drive away. As confronting the criminal can be risky, drivers find their vehicles thanks to Mapon and just take them back.
Correlate Monitoring Costs with the Risk of Losses
According to Sviatoslav, people often don’t want to pay a relatively small amount of money to monitor a vehicle, but they are willing to pay even more for a subscription to a football channel or some other less important purchase. That said, a truck can cost €100,000 and carry a million worth of goods – from this perspective, spending on reliable monitoring is more than justified.
Sviatoslav concludes our conversation with the words:
“I adhere to the ‘better safe than sorry’ principle. The company equips its employees with cars for work, and the employees know that if they use this car to go about their business at the weekend, and this wasn’t agreed upon previously, there will be questions on Monday. And this possibility of control gives me peace of mind – which is much more valuable than money”.
If you too want to be completely sure that your fleet is safe, contact our team, and we will prepare a personalised quote for your company!